









DATA Governance
  • Planning, oversight, and control over management of data and resources which rely on data.
  • Analyze many types of unstructured and/or scattered machine data, such as machine logs, sensors and GPS devices for insight into business process execution.
  • Actively manage the Service Strategy, Design, Transition and Operations under ITIL and TOGAF to make deploying business processes more predictable.

  • When we started developing Chameleon Metadata in 2003, we did it because we knew people needed a better way to explore business data which may be spread across various systems.  People needed a way to capture data as it was actually being used in the enterprise, right or wrong, and fix it without disruption.
  • Chameleon organizes data into configurations which are stored internally as Triple Stores
  • Once onboarded into Chameleon, data is classified by how people in specific role(s) actually use it and also by schemes like UDEF and ISO and statistically analyzed to understand how different groups use the same data.
  • Standardize, cleanse and combine data from multiple sources into holistic, unified information.
  • Blend data from internal sources with data sourced from LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook, etc. to create a complete, unified view of Business Information and concepts (i.e. Customer, Product)
  • Classify and organize both structured and unstructured data by its behavior when used in making business decisions.
  • Illustrate hidden relationships between data in statistics, to assess consumer sentiment or detect fraud, etc. 


  • Augment legacy data by combining streaming data like Facebook or Twitter with existing database and analytics information.
  • Use this new combined data to predict which tactics are most likely to succeed. 
How do they prefer to shop?
Why did they leave us for a competitor?
Which factors lead to positive social media posts?
What are they likely to buy next?
  • Use data-driven capabilities to determine what data should be used in a Monte Carlo analysis, whether data should be stored Hadoop or is Cassandra or what is statistical process control telling us about the new marketing campaign's results, etc?
  • Delivered either at your location for educating an entire team or using one of our Distance Learning portals.
  • Our Machine Learning and Big Data labs include Hadoop and Cassandra clusters plus ClearNLP and OpenNLP atop JAVA 1.8 and Maven 3
  • Our Graph Database learning lab includes Neo4j and Cypher and we're happy to install any other DAG platform your shop uses.
  • All our labs are integrated using Data Vaults and aligned to the UDEF Standard for eliminating ambiguity in the meaning of data.
  • Our Semantic learning lab has a complete Concept-map Ontology Environment using the IHMC CmapTools Knowledge Modeling Kit 
Copyright 2016 - Dynamic Database Support Systems, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
Chameleon Metadata®  and What Color Is Your Data® and Chameleon Metadata logos are Dynamic Database Support Systems trademarks - Reproduction is prohibited without prior written permission
We are committed to meeting the toughest dolphin safety standards for creating websites that exist today.  It is how the very best websites prove their strong commitment to ensuring NO nets (which we now know kill many dolphins each year) will be used  during the creation, testing and deployment of their Internet websites.  Remember, if dolphins had thumbs, we would be working for them.

Rather than nets, Dynamic Database Support Systems' websites use only the Internet .  .  .  . and the Internet won't hurt any dolphins.

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